Release Notes for Version 2.3.0

Release Notes for Version 2.3.0

This version is focused around automated Action Plans, Templates and Email Tracking.  The updates are very strong UI improvements, as well as great improvements to the underlying functions behind managing Personal, Company and System plans in tandem.

There is also some underlying technology and infrastructure improvements around the Action Plan System that paves the way for some upcoming features and automation that is very exciting - stay tuned!

The following updates, along with general improvements and fixes, were released in this version:

Marketing & Workflow Templates

  • Added better support for creating your own task templates that can be used when creating a new task or in your automated marketing plans
  • Added a new 'Group' owner type that makes it easy to create templates that are shared within an office or team
  • Added a new 'System' owner type that will provide a base set of templates that can be used for all accounts
  • Improvements to our email text editor to allow fully styled HTML email templates
  • Improvements to the SMS text editor that allows you to see how many characters you are at before you send
  • Improvements to our merge tags, making it easier to select a variety of merge tags for you emails, texts and tasks
  • Improvements to our templates area, making it easier to sort and search for your email, text and task templates

Automated Marketing & Action Plans

  • Added a new 'System' owner type that will provide a base set of action plans that can be used for all accounts
  • Added a new 'Group' owner type for action plans for sharing action plans within teams or offices
  • Added the ability for admins to create action plans that will run for all leads, only company leads, or only agent leads
  • Added the ability for admins to lock and unlock action plans for their agents or group members
  • Improved the usability of the action plans area, making it easier to quickly view, edit and toggle on and off action plans

Email Activity Tracking

  • Added the tracking of email opens and clicks, which will now show up in the contact's timeline
  • Added auto-unsubscribe of emails that are recognized as "junk" to keep future emails from being sent to spam
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