Using Short Codes (Variables) in Pages, Guides or Blog Posts

Using Short Codes (Variables) in Pages, Guides or Blog Posts

*Note: Using short codes is considered advanced editing for users who are otherwise familiar with short code usage in WordPress or other similar systems.

Short Codes are built into the solution to be used as advanced options to merge in data from other sources into page or blog post content.

Some ways that short codes can be used are:
  • Embedding Featured Listings or Blog Posts on Pages
  • Including Walkability Scores, Altos Charts or other Integration Data on Pages
  • Formatting pages with tabs, columns, etc.
The table below is a reference table for common short codes that can be used on the sites.

Short Code Name Primary Code Options Example & Notes
Featured Listings [featured-listings] filter=search filter id 
title="My Listings"
[featured-listings filter=2 listing_count=100]

This is used for pulling in featured listings on a page, guide or blog post.
Search Links [homesearch-links] type="type of search: city, neighborhood, etc"
values="search criteria - multiple values separated by a | "
feed="feed code"
title="Featured Communities"
[homesearch-links type="city" values="Dallas|Austin|Fort Worth" feed="ntreiskv" columns=4 title="Texas Communities"]

This is used to pull in the homesearch links and estimated listing numbers that link down to search pages.
Altos Charts [altos_chart] city="city name"
state="state abbreviation"
type="price_trends" or "market_conditions" or "sales_and_demand" or "price_per_square_foot" or "inventory"
width="width in pixels"
height="height in pixels"
[altos_chart city="Salt Lake City" state="UT" type="price_trends" width="400px" height="400px"]

This is used to pull in the altos chart on a page, guide or blog post.
Great Schools [greatschools_map]  query="address" or "city,st" [greatschools_map query="Salt Lake City, UT"]

This is used to pull in the great schools chart on a page, guide or blog post.
[walkability_map] query="address"
width="width in pixels"
height="height in pixels"                                               
[walkability_map query="175 W. 200 S., Salt Lake City, UT" width="500px" height="500px"]

This is used to pull in walkability data on the page, guide or blog post.
Tabs Layout [tabs]
[tab] [/tab]
[tab] [/tab]
See Sample [tabs tabs="search-active,local,market" titles="Search,Local,Market"]
[tab id="search" class="active"]
[homesearch-links type="city" values="Dallas|Austin|Fort Worth" feed="ntreis" columns=4 title="Texas Communities"]
[featured-listings filter=2]
[tab id="local"]
[greatschools_map query="Dallas, TX"]
[walkability_map query="Dallas, TX" width="500px" height="500px"]
[tab id="market"]
[altos_chart city="Dallas" state="TX" type="price_trends" width="400px"]

This sample set of tags will create a set of tabs on a page with additional local information.  This sample needs to be edited for the site's actual information.
Featured Blogs [featured_posts category=] category=blog Category ID

other options with defaults (may only use 1):
[featured_posts category=7]

This would display featured posts on a page, formatted, and for the category with a Cagetory ID of 7.
Alignment (Columns) [layout large=""] [/layout] large="Full Width" or "Half" or ”One Third” or “One Fourth”or "Two Thirds” or etc.  [layout large="Half"] Some Content Here [/layout]

This is used to align image, text or other items on a page.  Tags can be used together to align multiple content sections on a page.

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