Short Code Name | Primary Code | Options | Example & Notes |
Featured Listings | [featured-listings] | filter=search filter id listing_count=100 title="My Listings" | [featured-listings filter=2 listing_count=100] This is used for pulling in featured listings on a page, guide or blog post. |
Search Links | [homesearch-links] | type="type of search: city, neighborhood, etc" values="search criteria - multiple values separated by a | " feed="feed code" columns="number" title="Featured Communities" | [homesearch-links type="city" values="Dallas|Austin|Fort Worth" feed="ntreiskv" columns=4 title="Texas Communities"] This is used to pull in the homesearch links and estimated listing numbers that link down to search pages. |
Altos Charts | [altos_chart] | city="city name" state="state abbreviation" type="price_trends" or "market_conditions" or "sales_and_demand" or "price_per_square_foot" or "inventory" width="width in pixels" height="height in pixels" | [altos_chart city="Salt Lake City" state="UT" type="price_trends" width="400px" height="400px"] This is used to pull in the altos chart on a page, guide or blog post. |
Great Schools | [greatschools_map] | query="address" or "city,st" | [greatschools_map query="Salt Lake City, UT"] This is used to pull in the great schools chart on a page, guide or blog post. |
Walkability | [walkability_map] | query="address" width="width in pixels" height="height in pixels" | [walkability_map query="175 W. 200 S., Salt Lake City, UT" width="500px" height="500px"] This is used to pull in walkability data on the page, guide or blog post. |
Tabs Layout | [tabs] [tab] [/tab] [tab] [/tab] [/tabs] | See Sample | [tabs tabs="search-active,local,market" titles="Search,Local,Market"] [tab id="search" class="active"] [homesearch-links type="city" values="Dallas|Austin|Fort Worth" feed="ntreis" columns=4 title="Texas Communities"] [featured-listings filter=2] [/tab] [tab id="local"] [greatschools_map query="Dallas, TX"] [walkability_map query="Dallas, TX" width="500px" height="500px"] [/tab] [tab id="market"] [altos_chart city="Dallas" state="TX" type="price_trends" width="400px"] [/tab] This sample set of tags will create a set of tabs on a page with additional local information. This sample needs to be edited for the site's actual information. |
Featured Blogs | [featured_posts category=] | category=blog Category ID other options with defaults (may only use 1): numberposts=5 offset=0 category=1 orderby=date order=DESC post_type="post" show_more_link=true | [featured_posts category=7] This would display featured posts on a page, formatted, and for the category with a Cagetory ID of 7. |
Alignment (Columns) | [layout large=""] [/layout] | large="Full Width" or "Half" or ”One Third” or “One Fourth”or "Two Thirds” or etc. | [layout large="Half"] Some Content Here [/layout] This is used to align image, text or other items on a page. Tags can be used together to align multiple content sections on a page. |